THE CODEFATHER INC WEEKLLY REPORT 10 This week we were supposed to make significant changes in our duties to improve the accuracy. Each member of our team told about the works that they did. More detail will be given during the weekly meeting. Irfan Goren: This week I worked on improving feature set in order to increase the accuracy. I implemented some functions and tried to present them visually. Erol Serbest: This week, I worked on decoder component we are given by siemens and tried to port it to our project. It seems that we have to omit some of the code and modify some of them for our purpose. Abdulkadir Vardar: This week, I worked on YMSG protocols and tried to obtain some features to help classification. Also I worked on the ways of decoding the data. Huseyin Sozer: This week, I worked on logging structure, that we will implement for our project, to track every action taken by our program during the classification and prediction. Next week, each member of our team will be done with their duties and bring them together and and see what are the absence and necesssities.