
Software  development  is  an  important  activity  in  todays  world.  In  old  days, programmers  used to  write  codes into  the tools  which  are  command­line  based,  these  written  codes  were  turned  into  software programs.  As  the  computers  evolve,  size  and  the  complexity  of  software  production increased.  With  this  increasing  complexity,  accomplishing  tasks  such  as  code  editing, build automation and debugging started getting more and more difficult.

Solution  for  this  problem  of  programmers  is  found  to  be  Integrated  Development Environments is an application which provides facilities to programmer for software development such as code completing and fixing, source code editing and management, automated testing, etc.

First  IDE’s  were  terminal  based   application  which  provided  basic  facilities  to programmer.  Later,  as  the power  of computers  and  softwares  increased,  IDE’s gain  more  complex  features  such  as GUI. Although IDE’s  are  life saver for  programmers, these software applications have couple of drawbacks;

  • Local  systems.  IDE’s are installed  on  a  system and to use features of IDE and develop the software.
  • Require  additional  tools.  For  source  code  management,  dependency management...  they  require  additional  softwares  which  needs  to  be  used  in corporation with IDE.
  • Need  for  high  computer  resources.  As  IDE’s  supported  more  facilities  to  the programmer,  they  require much more  computer resources, especially memory and CPU, which may not be available all the time.

  • In  this to  solve  above  mentioned  problems  by  using  today's  in  demand  technology,  Cloud Computing, to  be  implemented.  Cloud computing,  according is  usage  of  computer  resources  (both  hardware  and  software)  which  is  served  over  the internet.

    The reason why we do this proposal and start a Cloud IDE project is our observations experience document this problems.

    In this project, facilities of general purpose IDE and cloud computing will be combined in a modular manner. Users can design, compile, and debug their projects without any requirement in the cloud. They can also reach their projects whenever and wherever they want.

    We use a modular structure approach so that new plugins can be developed according to user needs, and new languages can be added in the long run.

    Users will create a workspace, and start coding, all the other stuff will be done in background. They spend no time for finding and installing an IDE, a version control software, setting up environment for every single language.