What is WebCat?
How does Webcat categorize websites ?
We have a web crawler always running on background and visits every possible URLs it can access. It visits millions of URLs in a day then collects data for our database. The data then categorized using machine learning algorithms and stored in our database. If you are asking a URL which is already visited by our web crawler, the result is ready there and provided instantly!! If you find a website that the crawler was not able to visit, the content of the website is downloaded instantly and categorized by WebCat itself using well trained machine learning algorithms. Crawling also continues visiting the new URL and the new URLs from there.
How does WebCat ensure reliability ?
Since the speed and reliability are the most important and necessary concepts for us, we trained a huge data collected by the crawler and we have already categorized them in our database. For each category, we have trained thousand of web pages related with that category. Providing that much data samples reduces the possible errors, and make the results so reliable.
How can WebCat be so fast?
We have already collected so much data in order to create a dataset for machine learning algorithm. For a given URL, the results may be already categorized in our system. If we do not categorized the URL before, we instantly get its content and we use our well trained algorithm to manipulate results. Since our database increases everyday, the reliability and speed increases day by day.