Trade Center

Our aim in this project is developing a mobile application for Android platform for selling, exchanging, and sharing items. The goal of this project is solving two main problems.

One of this problems is cash money's position in trading. We want to add exchanging and giving for nothing options into the concept of trading and annihilate the obligation of using cash for trading. With this options people with mutual wants will be able to exchange or give away their wares.

The other problem in trading is namely user awareness in goods for trade. Many items that a person may want are being sold or thrown away behind that person's back. An item that is seen as redundant for a person can be very useful for an other person. Our approach to solve this problem is creating an environment where people will always be aware of the goods for trade that they might be interested in.

Süleyman ARIKAN

Middle East Technical University
Senior Computer Engineering Student

Mehmet Emin KÜÇÜK

Middle East Technical University
Senior Computer Engineering Student


Middle East Technical University
Senior Computer Engineering Student

Osman Erdem TULU

Middle East Technical University
Senior Computer Engineering Student

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    Middle East Technical University
    Computer Engineering Departmant

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