
Step Forward! We are proud to announce that Smart Bookmark is selected for Berkeley-TJUMP Acceleration program of YFYI in San Francisco.


The purpose of SmartBookmark project is to make reading printed books more attractive for people of all ages and to solve the problem of readers arising from time constraints. This project involves an embedded bookmark device consisting of a microcontroller and sensors, in addition to a mobile application. The device is a clip mechanism and used by being attached around a printed book. It is connected to a mobile phone via Bluetooth, and sends the reading data to the Android application where a reader can follow his/her reading progress visually. The SmartBookmark is a way of improving reading experience and increasing reading quality.

What is it?

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Track Your Reading Habits

User can keep which books he/she read and how many minutes it took. Also, user can see reading speed, and how much is left of the current book.

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Save Your Favorite Quotes

User can take picture of particular sentences or paragraphs from the book and the images are sent to application to be stored as text files.

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Expand Your Library

User can make a future booklist. The application can help by making new book recommendations by evaluating the books already read by the user.

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Follow What Others Read

User can see his/her friends' bookshelf, reading speed and current book

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Remember to Read

When the user does not read for a while, it reminds user by sending notifications

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Share Your Quotes

User can share his/her quotes after saving them.

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Rate Your Finished Books

User can give a rating to his/her book after finishing it. Therefore, s/he can get recommendations from Smart Bookmark application

Teaser Trailer


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