Wireless communications are rapidly growing parts of the communication systems. While the wireless communication quality improves, the demand of using wireless technology increases. For that reason, wireless access points which are special hardware and software combinations that connect wireless devices have an important part at the market. Besides, it is important to develop a different type of wireless access point to have a big portion from the market. In our project, we work on one of the products of Airties Company, which is AP400. AP400 is an access point which has Linux operating system. The main purpose of our senior project is to increase the functionality of this product in order to make it more attractive to the customers. Our prototype will be different by its LCD monitor. The user can access some kind data about the network traffic from this monitor namely, the number of users, their names and their connection speeds connected to the access point. Also, it will give information about their connection period of times and about the errors in the connection. To display this on LCD we are going to use additional hardware.

CENG Senior Project