


Living Schedule


EDUPLAN is ready!!!

Eduplan is 100% complete and ready to be used. The final package, user manual and the installation guide can be found in the documents section.

Sunday, January 11 2009

EDUPLAN – Project Description

All educational institutes need to have pre-prepared syllabuses for each course to organize the contents of the course and their time distribution throughout the semester. Every course serves some abstract purposes, which each can be simply defined in one descriptional sentence. The syllabus, which is concrete, is adjusted by taking that abstract purposes as guides. The syllabus is the compilation and organization of the tasks which are considered as necessary for reaching those abstract purposes of a course.

As the syllabus is related to the abstract purposes, the course program is closely related to the syllabus and it is prepared to be able to fulfill the purposes stated in the syllabus systematically. To be able to concretize the course content completely, in addition to the course plan, related documents are needed to be supplied.

Since the course materials are gathered by considering the course plan, naturally, there is a relation between the course plan and the course materials. This means that, any change in the course plan will also cause changes in the course materials. Although the syllabus does not change too much, course plan and materials change frequently. So it is important and useful to keep track of this relationship. This will facilitate managing the changes in the syllabus, course plan and course materials. The benefits of this management can be listed as below:

• Determination of sufficiency of the course materials for the course plan,

• When change of materials is needed, easy determination of the sufficiency of new materials,

• Determination of the necessary changes in the course materials when the course plan is changed,

• Determination of the concepts in the abstract plan and the syllabus which are affected by changes in the course plan and materials,;

• Determination of sufficiency of the course plan for the syllabus,;

• Determination of sufficiency of the syllabus for the abstract purpose,

• Determination of necessary changes in course plan and documents caused by changes in syllabus.

In conclusion EDUPLAN is about managing and solving the difficulties that are encountered because of the frequent changes in the education system. Our goal is to supply a flexible environment for educationalists in which they can adapt their education systems to the changes easily.

News : Website is ready to use

Our CENG senior design project website is ready. Now you can reach it.

News : Documents uploaded

The proposal, initial design and weekly reports are now avaliable under the documents section.