OkanMos Class Reference

#include <OkanMos.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void removeShade (IplImage *&i0, IplImage *&i1, CvMat *&m0, CvMat *&m1)
void makeMosaic (int interpolationType, uchar **im1Mask=NULL)
uchar makeUImagePixel (double x)
 OkanMos ()
 ~OkanMos ()
void getMosaic (IplImage **im, uchar ***mask, double imLine[6]=NULL)
void setBaseImage (IplImage *i0, uchar **i0mask=NULL, double i0line[6]=NULL)
void addSucImage (IplImage *suc, CvMat *mbase, CvMat *msuc, int interpolationType, uchar **i1mask=NULL)

Public Attributes

IplImage * image [2]
double line [6]
uchar ** realMask
CvMat * homMat [2]
double shadeMul [3]
double shadeAdd [3]

Detailed Description

Image Mosaicking class


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OkanMos::OkanMos (  ) 

Constructor. It makes everything NULL

OkanMos::~OkanMos (  ) 

Destructor. It only releases homMat field. You should release image[0] and realMask manually by using getMosaic

Member Function Documentation

void OkanMos::removeShade ( IplImage *&  i0,
IplImage *&  i1,
CvMat *&  m0,
CvMat *&  m1 

Private member function to calculate shadeAdd and shadeMul fields for removing illumination differencies.

i0 first image
i1 second image
m0 homography matrix to be used in transformation from first image to second image
m1 homography matrix to be used in transformation from second image to first image

void OkanMos::makeMosaic ( int  interpolationType,
uchar **  im1Mask = NULL 

Core function of this class. It creates a new image[0] from current image[0] and image[1]. It uses shadeAdd and shadeMul. It works according to interpolationType

interpolationType It is used for interpolation type. use 0 or 1. 0 = Nearest Neighboorhod 1 = Bilinear interpolation

uchar OkanMos::makeUImagePixel ( double  x  )  [inline]

It rounds x to an integer between 0 and 255. It is an inline function.

x It will be converted
Round of x

void OkanMos::getMosaic ( IplImage **  im,
uchar ***  mask,
double  imLine[6] = NULL 

Get method of image[0] and realMask

im It will keep pointer to image after function. It is used as a return value
mask It will keep pointer to mask after function. It is used as a return value

void OkanMos::setBaseImage ( IplImage *  i0,
uchar **  i0mask = NULL,
double  i0line[6] = NULL 

Sets base image. Base image is image[0]. It takes a copy of i0. According to i0's size it allocates memory for realMask.

i0 image pointer of base image

void OkanMos::addSucImage ( IplImage *  suc,
CvMat *  mbase,
CvMat *  msuc,
int  interpolationType,
uchar **  i1mask = NULL 

Adds a new image to the mosaic. It does not take copy of suc image. It makes a shallow copy. Please do not deallocate suc image before you add a new image to the mosaic

suc new image. Do not deallocate it before calling another addSucImage
mbase Homography matrix which transforms image[0] to suc if image[1] is NULL. Otherwise it transforms image[1] to suc
msuc Homography matrix which transforms suc to image[0] if image[1] is NULL. Otherwise it transforms suc to image[1]
interpolationType It is used for interpolation type. use 0 or 1. 0 = Nearest Neighboorhod 1 = Bilinear interpolation

Member Data Documentation

IplImage* OkanMos::image[2]

Private member which keeps base image and last image added to mosaic

double OkanMos::line[6]

Private member which keeps world file information

uchar** OkanMos::realMask

Private member which keeps mask of mosaic. Valid pixels are 1 , incalids are 0.

CvMat* OkanMos::homMat[2]

Private member which keeps homography matix for transormations. image[0] * homMat[0] => image[1] image[1] * homMat[1] => image[0]

double OkanMos::shadeMul[3]

Private member used for removing illumination differencies. newValue = image[1] * shadeMul + shadeAdd

double OkanMos::shadeAdd[3]

Private member used for removing illumination differencies. newValue = image[1] * shadeMul + shadeAdd

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