

Measure Guide aims to assists users to deal with high tech measurement devices with a professional guide. System helps user to use and control the device without any technical background knowledge about the device or the measurement process. Additionally, Measure Guide system aims to prevent faults caused by human by this systematic guidance process. By sound command feature, it is aimed to make the user interface more user friendly.

                               Measure Guide

          In the calibration business, it is getting hard to find capable labratory technicians. The aim of this project is to provide guidance to novice technicians so that they can effectively use the measurement devices in a calibration labratory. The Measure Guide system basically consists of a measurement device, an external camera, and a portable computer with the MeasureGuide application installed. The camera is located above the measurement device so that it can view the device interface. The typical scenario aims to guide the user, a novice technician, so that user can carry out a predefined measurement procedure. The system proceeds step by step. In each step, the computer displays a message to the user telling what action to take. An action might be connecting a cable, adjusting a knob, setting a switch, hitting a key, entering a number, and so on. After the user performs the action, the MeasureGuide software examines the device status (reads the display, checks the lights, checks the knob position, and so on) and makes sure that the current step has been performed well. Then, it proceeds to the next step. This cycle continues until the final step of the measurement procedure is completed. In case of an error or any other kind of exception, MeasureGuide must be able to detect it from the device interface, and then, warn the user and stop the process.


Agilent U1242B Multimeter

In Measure Guide system, Agilent U1242B Multimeter is used as the measurement device. It is basically a multifunctional multimeter with many complex features in order to maintain machinery,facility and electrical systems.

How is it working ?