Smart Shopping List Shopping Lists Made Effortless
Smart Shopping List is a mobile application that learns how to build the best shopping lists for you. It aims to lift the weight off your shoulders by curating the most suitable items for you on demand.


Your platform for organizing, sharing and browsing shopping lists. Designed to recommend personalized items for your lists, resulting in a more efficient shopping experience.


Creating a shopping list is easy. The difficult part is to find the item at the market, that matches your preferences, and is guaranteed to be the best alternative around. Now you have a way to efficiently plan your shopping.


By using advanced algorithms to define your customer profile, and making the most personalized suggestions according to your profile, with the help of our virtual shopping assistant always at your service.


Cross Platform Mobile Application

Native iOS and Android apps with Xamarin Forms

Real products from actual markets

Speech generation and recognition for ease of use

Easy Collaboration and Sharing

Customizable personal or collaborative shopping lists

Share lists via Facebook

Real-time online synchronization

Online Recommendation System

Learns your shopping habits and product preferences

Better product recommendations with every use

Extensive search and list browsing

AI-Driven Virtual Assistant

Converse with deep learning chatbot

Suggests products that meet certain criteria

Helps operate the app hands-off with speech input



The Chaincoders is a group of senior Computer Engineering students from Middle East Technical University in Ankara.

Zeynep Akkalyoncu

Computer Engineer

Arda Efe Okay

Computer Engineer

Erinç Argımak

Computer Engineer

Andi Bislimi

Computer Engineer

İsmail Sengör Altıngövde

Team Supervisor

Çağlar Seylan

Team Leader


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