CengBall: API (documented for version: v0.5)

Chance Class

Method name Parameters Return Description
getMinimumState none double Returns the minimum value for a state.
getMaximumState none double Returns the maximum value for a state.
calculateState double, double double Calculates the state of a player with the given fatigue and skill ratio. This function is used only for trapping the ball.
calculateState double, double, double double Calculates the state of a player with the given fatigue, skill and angle ratio. This function is called when a player wants to shoot or pass to ball to a position.
applyChance double, double double Applies a chance factor to the given vector object according to the state of the player when the player wants to shoor or pass.
applyChance vector2D, double vector2D Applies a chance factor to tackle situation according to the states of the players involved. It returns the chance difference of the first and second player states.

Attribute type Attribute name Description
double DEFAULT_CHANCE_THRESHOLD The threshold to apply a chance factor.
double DEFAULT_ANGLE_COEFFICIENT The coefficient that shows the weight of the angle ratio.
double DEFAULT_FATIGUE_COEFFICIENT The coefficient that shows the weight of the fatigue ratio.
double DEFAULT_SKILL_COEFFICIENT The coefficient that shows the weight of the skill ratio.
double MAXIMUM_ANGLE_DEVIATION Maximum value for angle deviation on a shoot or pass situation.


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