CengBall: API (documented for version: v0.5)

Player Class extends from MovingObject Class

Method name Parameters Return Description
clone none Player Clones the Player object as a return.
getDistanceFrom MovingObject double Gets the distance from a moving object to the player.
getDribblingAbility none int Gets the dribbling ability of the player.
getFatigueAbility none double Gets the fatigue ability of the player.
getId none int Gets the player's id.
getIntent none PlayerAction Gets the PlayerAction of the player.
getKitNumber none int Gets the kit number of the player.
getName none String Gets the name of the player.
getPassAbility none int Gets the pass ability of the player.
getShootAbility none int Gets the shoot ability of the player.
getSpeedAbility none int Gets the speed ability of the player.
getStaminaAbility none int Gets the stamina ability of the player.
getStartupPosition none vector2D Gets the startup position of the player.
getTackleAbility none int Gets the tackle ability of the player.
getTeamID none int Gets the team id of the player.
move vector2D void Sets the player's PlayerAction to move through vector2D parameter.
pass vector2D void Sets the player's intention to pass.
setFatigueAbility double void Gets the fatigue ability of the player.
setId int void Sets the id of the player.
setIntent PlayerAction void Sets the intention of the player.
setKitNumber int void Sets the kit number of the player.
setName String void Sets the name of the players.
setStartupPosition vector2D void Sets the startup position of the player. Start up position determines where the player will be when the game starts and after each goal.
setTeamID int void Sets the team id of the player.
shoot vector2D void Sets the player's intention to shoot.
stop none void Sets the player's intention to stop.
trap none void Sets the player's intention to trap the ball.(Capture the ball.)
clonePlayers Player[] Player[] Clones the given player list.
createId none int Creates id for the player.
Player String, int, int, vector2D, int, int, int, int, int, int constructor Construct a Player object with given name, kit number, team id, startup position, speed ability, shoot ability, pass ability, dribbling ability, stamina ability, tackle ability.
Player int, String, int, int, vector2D, int, int, int, int, int, int constructor Same with above constructor with predefined player id.

Attribute type Attribute name Description
none none Can not be reached any attribute of this.


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