CengBall: API (documented for version: v0.5)

Statistic Class

Method name Parameters Return Description
Statistic none constructor Statistics class to show statistical information about match. Use player's ID as a parameter to use getter functions which return statistics of a given player. Each hash map use player's ID as a key, and his statistics as a value.
getHasBall int int Getter function, check Specialities for information.
getLastDistance int double Getter function, check Specialities for information.
getPassControl int boolean Getter function, check Specialities for information.
getPassSuccess int int Getter function, check Specialities for information.
getPassTry int int Getter function, check Specialities for information.
getPlayerPosition int vector2D Getter function, check Specialities for information.
getShootTry int int Getter function, check Specialities for information.
getTotalDistance int double Getter function, check Specialities for information.
getTrapSuccess int int Getter function, check Specialities for information.
getTrapTry int int Getter function, check Specialities for information.
incHasBall int void Increase given player's HasBall statistics.
incPassSuccess int void Increase given player's PassSuccess statistics.
incPassTry int void Increase given player's PassTry statistics.
incShootTry int void Increase given player's ShootTry statistics.
intTotalDistance int, vector2D void Increase given player's TotalDistance statistics.
incTrapSuccess int void Increase given player's TrapSuccess statistics.
incTrapTry int void Increase given player's TrapTry statistics.
init int[], vector2D[] boolean Initialize all players statistics to zero.
setPassControl int, boolean void Sets the PassControl value for given player id.

Attribute type Attribute name Description
none none Can not be reached any attribute of this.

passTry: Players' pass trials.

passSuccess: Players' successful passes.

passControl: If players try to pass, then set pass control value.

shootTry: Players' shoot trials.

trapTry: Players' tackle trials.

trapSuccess: Players' successful traps.

hasBall: How many turns does the players have the ball.

totalDistance: Total distances players covered during match.

lastDistance: Last distances players covered during last turn. These values are needed for fatigue calculation. It is being set when totalDistance calculated.

playerPosition: Players' last positions. It is being set when totalDistance calculated.

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