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Method name | Parameters | Return | Description |
MatchAssets | Ball, Pitch | constructor | This class represents the physics of the game. It simulates movements and collisions. Constructor for MatchAssets specifying the ball and the pitch objects. |
MatchAssets | Ball, Pitch, HashMap < Integer, Player[]>, HashMap< Integer, Integer> | constructor | Constructor for MatchAssets specifying the ball, the pitch, players and the scores. |
advance | int | MatchAssets | Function to advance the assets for given number of percepts. This function simulates the physics in the game. |
clone | int | MatchAssets | Clones this MatchAssets object parameter independently. |
findMatchingPlayer | Player | Player | Finds the player that has the same ID with the given player in this MatchAssets object. |
getBall | none | Ball | Gets the Ball object of this MatchAssets object. |
getClosestPlayersToLine | vector2D, vector2D, double | Player[] | Gets the players to the line within the given range. |
getClosestPlayersToLine | vector2D, vector2D, double, int | Player[] | Gets the players with the given team ID to the line within the given range. |
getClosestPoint | Double, vector2D | vector2D | Gets the closest point of the given rectangle to the given point. |
getFrictionAcceleration | none | double | Gets the friction acceleration value set in this MatchAssets object. |
getOtherTeamID | int | int | Gets the team ID of the opponent team of the given team. |
getPitch | none | Pitch | Gets the pitch object of this MatchAssets object. |
getPlayer | int | Player | Gets the player with the given ID in this MatchAssets object. |
getPlayerClosestToBall | Player[] | Player | Gets the player which is the closest to the ball among the given player list. |
getPlayerClosestToObject | Player[], vector2D | Player | Gets the player which is the closest to the given object among the given player list. |
getPlayerList | int | Player[] | Gets the player list with the given team ID. |
getPlayers | none | HashMap< Integer, Player[]> | Gets the player hash map. |
getPlayersInArea | Double | Player[] | Gets the players in the given area. |
getPlayersInArea | Double, int | Player[] | Gets the players that has the given team ID in the given area. |
getPlayersInRange | vector2D, double | Player[] | Gets the players in the circle specified with the range and the center. |
getPlayersInRange | vector2D, double, int | Player[] | Gets the players with the given team ID in the circle specified with the range and the center. |
getScore | int | int | Gets the score of the team with the given team ID. |
getScores | none | HashMap< Integer, Integer> | Gets the score hash map. |
getTeamIDs | none | Integer[] | Gets the team ID list. |
initialize | none | void | Initializes the MatchAssets object. Gets the first two players of the starting team to the kick off position. |
isScored | none | boolean | Checks if a team scored. |
setBall | Ball | void | Sets the ball object of this MatchAssets object. |
setFrictionAcceleration | double | void | Sets the friction acceleration value of this MatchAssets object. |
setPitch | Pitch | void | Sets the pitch object of this MatchAssets object. |
setPlayers | HashMap< Integer, Player[]> | void | Sets the player hash map. |
setScores | HashMap< Integer, Integer> | void | Sets the score hash map. |
setTeams | int, Player[], int, Player[] | boolean | Sets the teams and their players to the MatchObjects.Parameters are: team ID of the first team, player list of the first team, team ID of the second team, player list of the second team. Returns true if setting is successful; false otherwise. |
stopPlayers | none | void | Stops all the players in this object. |
submitTeams | int, int | void | Submits the teams to the MatchAssets object. Sets the goal post IDs of the pitch. Parameters are: team ID of the first team and team ID of the second team. |
toString | none | String | Properties of class object is returned for human reading. (Logging purposes) |
findMatchingPlayer | Player, Player[] | Player | Finds the player that has the same ID with the given player in this MatchAssets object. |
Attribute type | Attribute name | Description |
none | none | Can not be reached any attribute of this. |
CengBall commercial video and poster is ready to look.
CengBall's first gameplay video has released. Unfortunately, it can be only seen in Turkish for now.