CengBall: API (documented for version: v0.5)

Team Class

Method name Parameters Return Description
Team String, Color, Color constructor Construct Team with given String name and home/away colors.
assembleTeam int, Rectangle2D.Double Player[] This method is called by simulator to arrange your Players.
You should override it and return your players.
getId none int Returns your unique team id.
getMyPlayers none Player[] Returns your team's all players.
getTeamInfo none TeamInfo Returns your team's id, name and home/away colors as a TeamInfo object.
move none void It's the main function that should be overriden. Simulator calls this function for each iteration turn. You should set your players' intentions here.
swapColors none void Swaps Team object's color1 with color2.
sync MatchAssets void Synchronizes Team object's MatchAssets.

Attribute type Attribute name Description
MatchAssets assets This attribute has the all information about currently playing game.


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